إِبَرُ هاغيدورون {جراحية مقوسة ذات حافتين قاطعتين}، {طب}
related Results
to pollinate (v.) , {bot.}
أَبَّرَ {نبات}
to fulfill (v.)
to vilify (v.)
to sting (v.)
to bite (v.)
to backbite (v.)
to slander (v.)
to keep (v.)
to malign (v.)
to traduce (v.)
to calumniate (v.)
to asperse (v.)
to carry out (v.)
to live up to (v.)
to grieve (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to redeem (v.)
to make good (v.) , {one's oath, one's promise, one's word}
stitches (n.) , [sing. a stitch]
stingers (n.) , [sing. a stinger]
jabs (n.) , [sing. a jab]
needles (n.) , [sing. a needle]
to defame (v.)